Litigation Support Services

Microfiche Processing
• Quantum LS supports all standard aperture card and fiche types including standard or long jackets; COM; AB Dick: Ultra Fiche and Microx.
• Images can be 16mm or 35mm; combo 16mm/35mm; simplex or duplex; positive or negative; Diazo; Silver; Vesicular; duplicates; cine/comic mode.

Scanning & Imaging
• Quantum LS has over 20 years combined experience converting critical records into digital format.
• Our high-volume paper scanners can handle documents of various sizes and conditions in both black & white and color.
• We can handle everything from business cards to large format architectural drawings.
• Digital endorsements and OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
• Many file formats are available to suite your needs along with services including, but not limited to, summation, concordance and relativity.
• All of the scanning is performed within our secure facility located in downtown Milwaukee.
• We can also provide on-site scanning upon request.

Electronic Data Discovery
• Collecting and organizing all the digital files related to a case can be overwhelming.
• We cull large data collections by search terms you provide, as well as remove duplicate files and messages before production begins.
• We have the latest hardware and software available for fast and accurate e-discovery projects.
• We will work closely with you throughout the course of your projects to ensure costs remain in check and no work is produced in excess of what is necessary.

High Speed Printing
• We can print nearly any file type efficiently and accurately in color or black and white.
• Printed pages are compared to their digital sources to ensure quality.
• Finishing options include staples, clips, slip sheets, hole punching, as well as various binding options.

Coding & Unitization
• Coding is the process of identifying and capturing specific information from a collection of images to help the end user retrieve data efficiently.
• Typical data fields include – Beg. Doc, End Doc, Date, Type, Author, Recipient, etc.
• We offer both domestic and offshore coding.
• Document unitization is the process of establishing the beginning and ending pages (boundaries)of a document or record.
• Document unitization can be logically or physically executed.

• We can duplicate your physical documents including receipts, photos, and large format drawings, in color or black and white.
• Every job inspected page by page upon completion to ensure quality.
• We can also duplicate CD's, DVD's, VHS & Audio Cassettes, and X-Rays.
• Bates Labels can be applied before or after copying and many binding options are available.

Bates Labeling
• Bates Labeling/Numbering is the process of assigning sequential unique identifier to each page.
• The identifier may be solely numeric or it may be a combination of letters and numbers.
• Labeling can be applied physically onto paper documents, or digitally endorsed onto scanned images.
• Bates labeling your documents allows you to identify and track each page uniquely.

Punching & Binding
• Our binding options include Fastback, Velo, Spiral, Coil, Acco, Binders, and more.

Large Format Scanning & Printing
• Whether you are looking to print or duplicate architectural or engineering drawings, scan a drawing to send to your client, or create an exhibit for display in trial, Quantum LS can help.
• We have the capability in-house to handle any of these requests in color or black and white.
• We can print many sizes on a variety of stocks including regular bond, high gloss and vinyl.